Other information for parents
Vaping and Smoking
The school has received calls regarding seeing parents vaping and smoking outside the school gates and into the school itself. We cannot enforce rules on the pavement areas outside the school. However, we strongly ask that all parents refrain from vaping and smoking near the school site during drop off and pick up times. Thank you.
Secondary School Places
Our Year 6 pupils have now received their secondary school places for September. If any parents would like to speak to Mrs Statham or Miss Mann about this, please contact the school office.
The Pantry
A reminder that all families are welcome to visit our foodbank at drop off every morning. Please see a member of staff in the mornings for more information.
Supporting Families in Enfield
This week, parents were emailed a series of workshops organised by My Young Mind Enfield (MYME). These workshops are free to all parents who may be struggling with managing their child's behaviours at home, managing emotions or anxiety. One of the courses is shown below. The workshops are online and are a really informative way to support parents. Please see the email sent out for details on how to sign up.
Online parent meetings
A letter has been emailed out to parents this week, with details of how to sign up for a meeting with the class teacher. The meetings will take place week beginning 17th March.
Open Afternoon - Save the Date
We will be holding an open day for parents on Friday 28th March from 3.30pm- 4.15pm. The afternoon gives parents and children an opportunity to visit their own classroom, look at the work on show around the school and see other areas of the school building. It is a good time to look at where the classrooms are for when your child moves year group in September.