An end of term message from Mrs Statham
This term has truly been one of the busiest I can remember. The teachers and pupils have packed so much into every school day, even in the last days leading up to the end of term. Last week, Year 1 children made ice cream, Year 2 children performed their country dances to parents and Year 6 performed two evening shows and attended their end of year prom in the same week!
There are always so many people to thank at the end of this term. Firstly, I would like to thank our Year 6 parents for their years of support, for raising money through many, many events over their time at St. Andrew's. Their children's time has come to an end, but they leave a legacy for the next pupils. Thank you for all you have done to help the school.
Secondly, to the hard-working staff in our school, without whom, a school cannot thrive. So many staff, regardless of their role, go the extra mile to support whole families, far beyond the classroom. They are all exhausted and ready for a well-deserved summer break.
And finally, to the wonderful children of St. Andrew's. They are the reason we are all here and they unite our whole community. Children - have a wonderful time with your family and friends, keep safe outside and online and we look forward to seeing you back in time for school on 3rd September.
Best wishes,
Mrs Statham - Head of School