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The art curriculum at St. Andrew’s is designed to encourage creativity and personal expression. Through stand alone and cross-curricular units, We understand the importance of inspiring an appreciation of art. We do this by teaching our children about great artists, designers and craft makers. These may be linked to other curriculum areas.

We encourage creativity in sketchbooks, which are used gather information, explore and develop skills. These also form a record of skills and knowledge gained over the six years at St. Andrew's.

Enrichment opportunities
To provide a broad and rich artistic experience, we also offer additional art opportunities through a range of art trips, visits, clubs and projects across the school year.

Arts Week

Arts Week takes place across the 3 key stages and incorporates a wide range of expressive and performing arts. We book artists-in-residence to work alongside the children, demonstrating skills, expertise and a passion for the arts. Every child is given the opportunity to become fully immersed in the creative curriculum through a carefully designed program of lessons.


National Portrait Gallery Y3
Tate Britain Y4
Tate Modern Y6


Art Clubs take place after school for children in KS1 and KS2. A range of skills are developed as the children enjoy working with paints, clay and collage.



For our older pupils, we take part in yearly STEAM competitions, organised by the Borough. Here, pupils are given the opportunity to work creatively and collaboratively on a range of given tasks, using mechanical, electrical and computing systems.